Tag Archive: impressive

The best way to be impressed by 2014

There were loads of cool happenings in 2014 and I’m sure we’ll Best-Thingify them as we get closer to the new year. But right now I just want to show you an incredible… Continue reading

The best way to admit that you are, and always will be, weak

Whenever I think about making a statement, my first idea is always to write it on a t-shirt. Like if I’m hungry, sleepy or angry I would ideally have a t-shirt that said so.… Continue reading

The best way to make a guitar sound better than an orchestra

I love guitars – particularly the acoustic ones. I love the sounds they make, all deep and bassy with a hint of recklessness. You don’t need to be an artist or a musician… Continue reading

The best way to impress me

It’s awards season here on Best Things soon so you better start figuring out how to impress us. I for one am easily impressed – but only by certain things. I think that… Continue reading

The best way to jump over someone’s head

This post is short but excellent – like a baby monkey. The best way to jump over someone’s head is to do so accidentally and without really noticing. This happens in the following… Continue reading

The best reason to take gym class

This one time I was playing a ‘wide game’ which is what people call a game that is outside, slightly dangerous and involving physical activity. This one was pretty much an elaborate version… Continue reading